wine label design for Novato wines illustration Mendoza Argentina Malbec


Time, mainstay of progress
it's necessary for everything to evolve.
As good wine must age to best, the rookie
must have perseverance to become a master.

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Behind each mezcal there is a great job
and a whole tradition that finally tries to express something,
Maestra vida shows us that life is a great teacher in which
we have something to learn and something to transcend.

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Altar Uco Edad Media wine label design illustration Mendoza Argentina engraved design classic antique elegant
Edad Media


A wine that contains life and history, from its importance
in celebrations, as an object of worship for scholars
and philosophers, to as a vital life juice for war heroes.

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Le Montreur Malbec wine label design illustration Mendoza Argentina dark circus black and white
Le Montreur


Amazing and strange creatures, a unique adventure never seen before!
There are no tricks, everything is real in this wine experience.
Le Montreur, Experiencia de tintas, seeks to honor wine
as a sublime grape experiment.
Enjoy the show...

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Winemaker and sommelier living in two distant points
in the same space repelling and attracting each other
like magnetic poles, generating a vital energy
transformed into this unique and electric Pinot Noir.

Continue ReadingDESDE LOS POLOS